





联合国大学自豪地成为可持续发展高等教育的全国领导者, 可持续发展是UNH的主要学术绩效指标之一. 的 可持续发展研究所 is here as a resource to support faculty across UNH in creating opportunities to integrate sustainability concepts into their curriculum.


如你所愿准备你的课程, know that the UNH 可持续发展研究所 team stands ready to help support you with programming, 事件, 工具和其他可以以各种方式融入你的课程的机会.




    • 支持与协助 致所有有意将变革理念融入教学的教师  
    • 培训和机会 让学生将从课程中获得的知识应用于渠道意识, abilities and passions in real-world settings with organizations committed to positive impact 
    • 动手学习经验和项目 所有UNH学生,无论他们的学科是什么 
    • 学生,教师,员工和社区 参与 社会创新这是一个利用商业和公共政策工具的令人兴奋的新兴领域 




    UNH被评为该国最具可持续性的学校之一! 把 联合国大学可持续发展在线模块  进入你的课程. 教师, staff and students who complete the module will earn a micro-credential digital badge from Credly to add to a digital professional profile, 比如LinkedIn.

    Have your students test their 知识 in this online module as a course assignment or pre-test to a an in-person tour. 的 “联合国大学的可持续发展”在线模块 是一系列短视频之后是选择题吗, and is a great way to find out why UNH is one of the most sustainable universities in the country and how to get involved right here on campus!


    联合国大学卓越与创新教学中心 & 学习(CEITL)与联合国大学可持续发展研究所合作举办了一个研讨会, CEITL’s 谈教学工作坊 on Integrating 可持续性 Into Course Curriculum, 旨在帮助教师考虑可持续性对其学科的意义, share best practices and resources and help one another design new opportunities to integrate sustainability - whether it is into one class session, 新模块, 或者贯穿整个课程.

    提交你的课程作为认可的选修课 可持续发展双专业 (SDM)



    我们全年都有很多活动来发展你的技能, 知识, and practice of sustainability with our professional development trainings and programs.


    A program of the 换零钱机协作 (the 可持续发展研究所's partnership with the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics and the Carsey School of Public Policy) the Changemaker Speaker Series brings innovative and inspiring leaders to campus twice per semester.  

    需要帮助识别相关读物, 创建活动后讨论和/或课堂作业?   电子邮件 菲奥娜•威尔逊 or 凯特的手.



    An excellent opportunity to allow students to consider issues of racial equity in the context of your course. 的 挑战 occurs annually in April and is an outstanding set of resources and prompts focused on deepening understanding of, 以及对抗的意愿, 连续21天的种族歧视. 的 挑战 goes beyond individual or interpersonal racism by helping to demystify structural and institutional racism.

     电子邮件 凯伦史——托马斯·W. UNH可持续发展研究所哈斯教授, 获取更多信息. 


    Each fall, we host an idea-stage competition, the NH社会创业创新挑战赛 (SVIC) that supports and shines a light on students who have ideas for innovative solutions to today’s biggest social, 环境和经济挑战. SVIC专注于解锁和启动创新思维 -不需要详细的财务、实施计划和原型. Entrants submit a 2-page paper and a 3-minute video identifying a problem and describing a solution - cash and prizes are awarded to advance winning ideas. 

    Incorporating SVIC as a semester project in my Sustainable Engineering course has been valuable and interesting for the students and an easy process for me. I find students are more motivated and willing to challenge themselves because they are able to choose their own passions and get quick and meaningful feedback on their ideas. 有些学生甚至在下课后还继续思考, 参加联合国大学的其他项目.

    ——凯尔·P. Kwiatkowski,土木与环境工程副教授

    联系 凯特.Hand@whynnn.com for questions and for further information about embedding the SVIC 进入你的课程 as a project or extra credit.

    自定义课堂演示 & 访问

    专业和学生工作人员在这里为所有学生提供支持, 任何专业都可以在课堂上做客座演讲. Sessions can be tailored to your course content and help students discover opportunities available to gain experiences to apply classroom learning and build problem-solving skills, 有勇气和信心解决当今紧迫的可持续发展挑战.

    If you have specific sustainability topics you'd like covered in a custom class presentation, 请联系并讨论您的需求. 我们的工作人员 have a wide range of expertise in sustainability topics - economic, social and environmental.  请填写 这种形式 更多地分享你的需求. 我们的目标是在五(5)个工作日内作出回应. 谢谢你!! 

    • 可持续发展概论 
    • 商业为人民,为地球,为利润 
    • 以人为中心的设计 
    • 回收 
    • 社会创新 
    • “零浪费” 
    • 可持续粮食系统 
    • 自定义演示主题 

     请求 一个演示 

    • Gino UNH学生接受2017年svic奖

      an idea-stage competition that supports and shines a light on students who have ideas for innovative solutions to today’s biggest sustainability challenges.

    • 21天种族平等习惯养成挑战

      UNH 21天种族平等习惯养成挑战 occurs annually in April and is an outstanding set of resources and prompts focused on deepening understanding of, 以及对抗的意愿, 连续21天的种族歧视.