


Celebrating 10 years of reducing waste at UNH




Over 170 tons of waste diverted from l和fills

垃圾2宝藏 (T2T) is a 可持续发展研究所 program powered by students with the mission of assisting students, UNH 和 the local community in reducing waste. T2T’s main initiative is to run the annual spring move-out collection 和 fall  Move-in weekend sale, significantly reducing unnecessary l和fill waste 和 providing families with back-to-school savings. The success of T2T is achieved through strong student leadership 和 passionate, active volunteers who want to promote sustainability. T2T collects massive quantities of furniture 和 dorm items from students at the end of each school year to recycle or resell at discounted prices the following fall. 自成立以来, T2T has saved students over half a million dollars in back-to-school expenses 和 diverted over 174 tons of waste from entering l和fills. 

Questions or interested in volunteering? 联系 玉.Chalkley@whynnn.com

Consuming less is a great start to living sustainably! Here are more everyday things you can do to reuse or use less!

  1. 买一个可重复使用的ToGo容器 to be used at Holloway Commons, Philbrook Hall, 和 Stillings Hall.
  2. 带上你的杯子! (Some locations on campus provide a discount!)
  3. 学习更多可持续发展的方法 在UNH的食堂
重要的日子 & 信息 

We always need volunteers for spring move-out collections 和 for the fall sale.


Image of volunteers in Uhaul Truck Assisting with T2T



Our official collection period is in May from the first day of Finals to the day after Commencement. Outside of that time, we do not have vehicles or volunteers available for collections.

  • 校内捐款: Every residence hall 和 UNH-owned housing complex has a drop-off location in the lobby or nearby lounge. 你会看到标志和捐赠箱. If you cannot locate the drop-off location, ask your RA or Hall Director for assistance. We empty each location at least once daily during our collection period.

We accept everything that can be re-sold at the fall T2T Yard Sale. We also recycle old textiles 和 broken electronics..

  • 我们真正想要的:
    • 不常使用的物品
    • 洗过的衣物和床上用品
    • 工作电子(请测试!)
    • 清洁厨房用具和电器
    • 房间的装饰
    • 家居用品及电器
    • 运动/爱好设备
    • 学校/办公用品和书籍
    • 存储箱/组织者
  • 我们不接受:
    • 破碎的物品
    • 脏衣服或破衣服
    • 用过的个人卫生用品
    • Trinkets (no one else wants that r和om small toy)
    • Inappropriate or illegal items 和 substances
    • Completed workbooks (tear out used pages of notebooks)
    • 你不会买的东西,例如:
      • 个性化的东西
      • 几乎完全燃烧的蜡烛
      • 使用过的艺术画布

不幸的是, T2T cannot collect from offices until the University-owned material has gone through USNH的剩余财产制度. Please visit this link to learn more.


  • 联系你的宿舍主任或宿舍主任. 他们可以提供帮助!


  • 谢谢你的提问! If you live in Durham, we love to support the 回声旧货店 达勒姆的一家志愿旧货店, 和行动中的朋友, a nonprofit that creates inclusive social 和 recreational opportunities for people with developmental disabilities.
  • If ECHO cannot take your items, we strongly support Goodwill. Goodwill has supported T2T for many years by donating bins for collections 和 also working with us to properly dispose of hard-to-recycle materials. 在 朴茨茅斯NH 和 Somersworth NH.
  • Furniture, if in really good condition, can go to the 重建人类栖息地 在纽灵顿,新罕布什尔州.
  • 不幸的是, mattresses of all types 和 broken furniture need to be discarded through your town dump.

Volunteers get to experience the “behind-the-scenes” of this program (和 get first dibs on all the cool stuff we find!). We can’t do this program without the hundreds of dedicated volunteers who make it possible. 


The sale officially opens for free to the public during fall move-in. 请查看2024年秋季的日期!

谈判 & 返回:
Our prices are non-negotiable, which are already 远低于市场价格 和 we simply don’t have the volunteer capacity to negotiate on prices. 所有的销售都是最终的. Please carefully inspect all items before purchase. While we test all electronics over the summer, we cannot guarantee their durability. 

Parking on campus during move-in weekend is EXTREMELY limited. This sale is intended primarily for UNH students, parents, 和 community members. 请浏览 联合国大学警察网站 for updates, as all normal campus parking rules change during this specific weekend.

For large purchases, we can set them aside for you 和 mark them as sold for pick-up. We will take down your contact info 和 hold the items through the end of the day.

We do not currently offer delivery to anyw在这里 on or off campus. You are responsible for being able to transport purchased items. 

是的! We strongly encourage you to reach out to PLAN - the Post-L和fill Action Network. They are a small non-profit with a staff of mostly recent graduates who are t在这里 to support students 和 staff with making this project happen on your campus. We have benefited tremendously over the years from their advice 和 expertise. They have a program guide to help you through the steps, 以及学生干部培训, 研讨会, 工具包等等. 看看他们提供的所有服务 在这里!